Optimize Your Web Development Skills - Tutorials & Blog

Welcome to our blog, where we provide high-quality tutorials and resources for web developers looking to take their skills to the next level. Our focus is on helping you optimize your code, improve performance, and master popular web development tools and technologies. From JavaScript and TypeScript to Node.js and React.js, we cover a wide range of topics to help you stay up-to-date and stay ahead of the curve. Follow us for expert insights and practical tips on everything related to web development.

Avoid List Re-Render in React - Best Practices

Avoid List Re-Render in React - Best Practices

23 February 2023 - Learn how to optimize React performance by avoiding unnecessary list re-renders. Use React.memo, useCallback, and useMemo to stop re-renders.

UseDebounce(): Optimizing React Performance - Complete Guide

UseDebounce(): Optimizing React Performance - Complete Guide

21 February 2023 - Optimize React Performance with useDebounce() Hook: Learn how to debounce search inputs and API calls for faster, more efficient React applications.

How To Send A Cookie In getServerSideProps Next.JS - Complete Guide

How To Send A Cookie In getServerSideProps Next.JS - Complete Guide

16 February 2023 - Accessing and sending a cookie in getServerSideProps function (Next.js) is straightforward. You can send cookie in your request to the server using server-side rendering in Next.js. Keep reading...

How to Install Node.js with NVM on Linux, Mac and Windows

How to Install Node.js with NVM on Linux, Mac and Windows

14 February 2023 - NVM is a handy tool that allows you to install and switch between different versions of Node.js on your system with ease. How To Install Node.js with NVM on Linux, Mac and Windows

Remove A Specific Element From An Array in JavaScript

Remove A Specific Element From An Array in JavaScript

09 February 2023 - Removing a specific element from an array or modifying certain elements in an array is a common task in JavaScript. There are various methods available to achieve this. Keep reading to see how...

Using Async/Await in Javascript:  Advantages and Use Cases

Using Async/Await in Javascript: Advantages and Use Cases

08 February 2023 - Async/Await is a powerful feature in JavaScript that allows developers to write asynchronous code that looks and behaves like synchronous code. This can greatly simplify the process of dev.

How to Undo a Git Commit Locally: A Comprehensive Guide

How to Undo a Git Commit Locally: A Comprehensive Guide

08 February 2023 - Undo Git commits, specific commits, and recover lost commits with Git's powerful tools like git reset, git revert, and git reflog. Read now for comprehensive understanding.

6 Disadvantages of TypeScript over JavaScript

6 Disadvantages of TypeScript over JavaScript

06 February 2023 - Discover the top 6 drawbacks of using TypeScript. Learn about the steep learning curve, setup headaches, slow builds, large file sizes, compatibility issues and tool dependency...

Advantages of Using TypeScript in Large-Scale React Development (2023)

Advantages of Using TypeScript in Large-Scale React Development (2023)

03 February 2023 - Enhance your React development experience with TypeScript. TypeScript offers improved code quality, better tooling support, and a more maintainable codebase. Read on to learn more about it...

How To Use Reduce() - Javascript Array.prototype.reduce()

How To Use Reduce() - Javascript Array.prototype.reduce()

07 December 2022 - Array.prototype.reduce() method is one of the most powerful methods used in Javacript Array. It's a reducer-callback function to execute for every element in an array.

JavaScript Scopes - Global Scope, Function Scope, Block Scope and Module Scope

JavaScript Scopes - Global Scope, Function Scope, Block Scope and Module Scope

13 September 2022 - In JavaScript, objects, variables, functions that are "visible" or "accessible" inside the current context of execution are said to be within the scope.

How to Use Custom Events  With Google Analytics 4 [GA4] - 2022

How to Use Custom Events With Google Analytics 4 [GA4] - 2022

05 September 2022 - Google Analytics 4 is one the best tools to track and measure your audience activities and monitor traffic on your website. Add custom events in your analytics and explore more features.

How to optimize SEO with Next.js and get Ranked by Google

How to optimize SEO with Next.js and get Ranked by Google

01 September 2022 - Search Engine Optiomization (SEO) with Next.js and React.js. Google Ranking and Indexing depends largely on SEO optimization. Increase traffic...