JavaScript Scopes - Global Scope, Function Scope, Block Scope and Module Scope

JavaScript Scopes - Global Scope, Function Scope, Block Scope and Module Scope

Learn the fundamentals of Javascript to become a good developer.

In this article, we are going to explain what is scope in Javascript, how many scope are there ? and how they work ? So keep reading it's simple and short !

As you may already know, Scope is one of the most important concepts in programming language. Every variable, function, expressions, objects, module has its scope in Javascript.

What is scope ?

In Javascript, objects, variables and functions that are "visible" or "accessible" inside the current context of execution are said to be within the scope. So scope defines the visibility and accessibility of a variable and objects in your context.

There are different types of scopes :

  • Global scope
  • Function scope
  • Block scope
  • Module scope

We will elaborate one by one in the next step but worth to mention that before ES6 (released in 2015), there are only Global scope and function scope.

Note in Javascript, objects and functions are variable and function is object.

Consider this snippet :

function myFunc () { const javascript = "The King of Web" } console.log(javascript); // ReferenceError: javascript is not defined

Here we try to access variable javascript but it is not accessible outside the function myFun and you will get a ReferenceError.

What Is Global scope ?

In JavaScript, variables declared outside a block or outside a function become global variables.

Global variables are accessible on a web page but not in Node.js notes that global variables are not accessible only to the actual file unless you explicitly import/export them. We will talk about that later in module scope.

=> So a global variable has global scope.

const tuto = "Global Variable"; function myFunc() { console.log(tuto); // Global Variable } console.log(tuto); // Global Variable function secondFunc(params) { console.log(tuto); // Global Variable }

Explain: tuto is declared outside a function, it's global variable. You can access it anywhere in your code.

What Is Function Scope ?

A local variable to the function has a function scope. Variable declared inside a function is not accessible outside the actual function. Each function has its own scope. No matter how the variable is declared: with var, let or const, it's the same.

function myFunc() { const myVarInsideFunc = "Function scope"; const innerFunction = () => { console.log(myVarInsideFunc); // "Function scope" }; } console.log(myVarInsideFunc); // throw ReferenceError

Note the myVarInsideFunc, it is only visible (accessible) inside the myFunc function. You can acces "myVarInsideFunc" inside innerFunction. innerFunction is within the scope of myFunc.

Block Scope

There was no Block Scope before ES6. ES6 add two powerfull keywords in Javscript to declare variable: let and const. Only variable declared with let and const can have block scope, variable declared with var cannot have block scope.

All variable inside a block has a block scope : inside if statement, switch, for loop etc. They are not visible outside the actual block.

if (condition) { // laptop has a scope inside this {}. Block scope const laptop = "MacBook"; // this variable is accessible only inside the if statement } else { console.log(laptop); // ReferenceError: laptop is not defined } let count = 0; while (count < 100) { // modifier has a scope inside this {}. Block scope const modifier = 5; count += modifier; } console.log(modifier); // ReferenceError: modifier is not defined

You are now capable of understanding what's going on. right ?

Here the only thing you need to note is that a variable declared inside {} is not visible (accessible) outside that block.

Module scope

In module scope, variable declared inside module is accessible outside the module via import/export. Variables need to be explicitly exported and imported before you can use them.

// in factorial.js const factorial = function fac(n) { return n < 2 ? 1 : n * fac(n - 1); }

If you want to use this function in index.js, you need to export it first and the import it.

// in factorial.js const factorial = function fac(n) { return n < 2 ? 1 : n * fac(n - 1); }; export { factorial }; // named export export default factorial; // default export

And then import in index.js

// // in index.js import { factorial } from "./factorial"; // if exported with named export import factorial from "./factorial"; // if exported with default export factorial(5); // 120


You are now able to explain what is scope and how they work. Here is a recap of what we have learnt :

  • Global scope : Variable declared outside a function or block has a global scope.
  • Module scope: Variable declared inside a module is not accessible outside the actual module unless it is exported explicitly.
  • Function scope: Variable declared inside a function has a function scope and only visible inside the actual function
  • Block scope: Variable declared inside a block is accessible only in the actual block. variable declared with var keyword cannot have a block scope.

Thank you for reading my post, so see you next time !

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By Aina Flaccon, Developer && Technical Writer

13 September 2022 at 10 h 09

I am Aina Flaccon, a Technical Writer possionate with new technology and new tools. Yes I write, read and share !!!