

The Array.prototype.join() method creates and returns a new string by concatenating all of the elements in an array, separated by a specified separator string.




  • separator (optional): The string to use as a separator between the array elements. If omitted, the elements are separated with a comma.

return value

A string containing all of the array elements concatenated together, separated by the specified separator string.


const fruits = ["apple", "banana", "orange"];
const joinedFruits = fruits.join(", ");
// joinedFruits is "apple, banana, orange"

const numbers = [1, 2, 3];
const joinedNumbers = numbers.join("-");
// joinedNumbers is "1-2-3"

Use Cases

Converting an array to a string

join() method is commonly used to convert an array to a string, which can be useful in many different scenarios, such as printing or logging the contents of an array.

const colors = ["red", "green", "blue"];
console.log(colors.join(" | ")); // Output: "red | green | blue"

Formatting output

join() method can be used to format output by joining an array of values with a specified separator.

const product = {
  name: "Smartphone",
  colors: ["black", "white", "gold"],
  price: 500,
console.log(`${} - ${product.colors.join(", ")} - $${product.price}`);
// Output: "Smartphone - black, white, gold - $500"

Combining elements of an array with a specific pattern

join() method can be used to combine elements of an array with a specific pattern, such as in building a URL string.

const queryParams = [
  { key: "page", value: "2" },
  { key: "sort", value: "desc" },
  { key: "filter", value: "category:electronics" },

const queryString = => `${param.key}=${param.value}`).join("&");
console.log(queryString); // Output: "page=2&sort=desc&filter=category:electronics"


  • If any of the array elements is undefined or null, it will be converted to an empty string in the resulting string.
  • If the array is empty, join() method will return an empty string.

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