Computed Properties


Computed properties in JavaScript allow you to define object properties dynamically using expressions as the property key. The property key is computed at runtime, based on the result of the expression. Computed properties are a powerful feature that can be used to create flexible and dynamic objects.


The syntax for defining a computed property in JavaScript is as follows:

const objectName = {
  [expression]: value,

In this syntax, expression is any JavaScript expression that evaluates to a string, and value is the value assigned to the computed property.


const fruit = {
  name: "apple",
  ["color" + Math.floor(Math.random() * 3)]: "red",

console.log(fruit.color0); // output: "red"

Use cases

Computed properties are useful in many scenarios where you want to create flexible and dynamic objects. Here are a few examples:

Dynamic Property Names

Computed properties can be used to create object properties with dynamic names. For example, you might use a computed property to create a property with a name based on user input:

const propertyName = "foo";
const obj = {
  [propertyName]: "bar",

console.log(; // output: "bar"

Dynamically Computed Properties

Computed properties can be used to create object properties with values that are dynamically computed at runtime. For example, you might use a computed property to create a property with a value based on the result of a function:

const obj = {
  [Math.random() > 0.5 ? "foo" : "bar"]: "value",

console.log( ||; // output: "value"

Complex Object Creation

Computed properties can be used to create complex objects with nested properties. For example, you might use a computed property to create an object with nested properties based on user input:

const propertyName1 = "foo";
const propertyName2 = "bar";
const obj = {
  [propertyName1]: {
    [propertyName2]: "value",

console.log(; // output: "value"


  • Computed properties allow you to create object properties with dynamic keys that are computed at runtime.
  • Computed properties are useful for creating flexible and dynamic objects.
  • Computed properties can be used to create object properties with dynamic names or values that are computed at runtime.
  • Computed properties can be used to create complex objects with nested properties.

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