

Object.prototype.toString() is a method in JavaScript that returns a string representation of the object. It is a built-in method that can be called on any object in JavaScript. The string returned by this method is a combination of the object's type and its value. The string representation can be useful for debugging, logging, or even for sending data to a server. In this documentation, we will explore the workings of the Object.prototype.toString() method and how it can be used in JavaScript.

How it works ?

The Object.prototype.toString() method works by examining the type of the object it is called on. It then returns a string that represents the type and value of the object. If the object is a primitive type, such as a string or number, the method will return a string representation of that primitive value. If the object is an array or an object literal, the method will return a string representation of the object's type and value.


Let's look at some examples of using the Object.prototype.toString() method:

Example 1: Calling toString() on a string

const str = 'Hello, World!';
console.log(str.toString()); // Output: "Hello, World!"

Example 2: Calling toString() on a number

const num = 123;
console.log(num.toString()); // Output: "123"

Example 3: Calling toString() on an array

const arr = [1, 2, 3];
console.log(arr.toString()); // Output: "1,2,3"

Example 4: Calling toString() on an object

const obj = {name: 'John', age: 30};
console.log(obj.toString()); // Output: "[object Object]"

Detailed explanation


The syntax for calling the Object.prototype.toString() method is as follows:



The Object.prototype.toString() method does not take any parameters. It is called on the object itself.

Return Value

The return value of this method is a string representation of the object's type and value.


this method has some limitations. It can only return a string representation of the object's type and value. It cannot return any other information about the object, such as its properties or methods.

Common use cases:

The Object.prototype.toString() method is commonly used for debugging and logging purposes. It can also be used for sending data to a server or for comparing objects.

Tips and tricks:

  • This method is a part of the Object prototype chain in JavaScript. It can be overridden by other objects to return a custom string representation of the object.

  • It is recommended to use the Object.prototype.toString() method for debugging and logging purposes only. It is not recommended to rely on this method for comparison or other logic in your code.

  • If you want to return a custom string representation of an object, you can override the Object.prototype.toString() method. For example:

Ecmascript specification

The Object.prototype.toString() method is a part of the ECMAScript specification. It was first introduced in ECMAScript 1 and is supported by all major browsers.

See ECMAScript specification


Here are a few exercises that can be used to practice using Object.prototype.toString():

  1. Create an array of different types of values (strings, numbers, booleans, objects, etc.) and use the Object.prototype.toString() method to log the type of each value to the console.
const arr = ['Hello', 123, true, {name: 'John'}, null, undefined];
arr.forEach(value => console.log(value.toString()));
  1. Create a custom object with properties for name, age, and occupation. Override the Object.prototype.toString() method to return a string representation of the object in the format "name is age years old and works as occupation".
const person = {
  name: 'John',
  age: 30,
  occupation: 'developer',
  toString() {
    return `${this.name} is ${this.age} years old and works as ${this.occupation}`;

  1. Create a function that takes an object as an argument and logs the string representation of the object to the console using the Object.prototype.toString() method.
function logObjectString(obj) {

const person = {
  name: 'John',
  age: 30


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